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Michael Kitzman
Sr. Frontend Engineer

Hi I'm Michael! 👋

I'm a highly accomplished Front End Engineer with a proven track record of building scalable, accessible, and visually stunning web applications primarly using React, TypeScript, CSS, and HTML. With experience contributing to world-class websites serving billions of users globally, I excel at crafting seamless user experiences and driving best practices in accessibility, design systems, and front-end innovation.


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About this site

This site is a modified version of AstroCactus. It uses TypeScript, ReactJS for components, TailwindCSS for styling, and Markdown for blog content. The code and syntax highlighting are handled by Expressive Code. The icons use Astro Icon. I'm using the framework and hosting on Netlify which auto deploys my website based on git commits. Pagefind static search library integration for search. Logo created and drawn by Emma Kitzman.

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As a Front End Developer its my job and goal to build a website that is usable for the widest possible audience regardless of technology or ability.

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